Tuesday 21 June 2011

"When you think it's all over it's just begun" (aka the one where blogging starts again)

I'm not a natural writer, I'm a perfectionist. To my mind the two don't go together, I'm never satisfied with what I've written so I never finish it. There's a reason I'm such a last minute person in terms of essay writing; give me a hand-in date and I will be forced into completion!

I've had various blogging spaces at various times over the years, but this one is started so I can participate in CPD23, a development programme for library and information professionals which involves doing various tasks (I'm led to believe the in word is 'things') and blogging about them. Finally, a blog with deadlines!

I'm currently working as a library assistant (full-time) and completing an MA in Library and Information Management (part-time!), and CPD23 seems a good thing to do to keep my mind busy during my uni 'holidays'. It will also be a good way for me to get into reflection and professional development in the library world (and to articulate my views on who is a professional, because the subject makes me quite cross!).

So, this is it. Thing 1. 22 more to come...

"When you think it's all over it's just begun" - Miranda Sykes


  1. Hello. Good start. I agree with you about the power of deadlines. Good luck with the rest of thew things.

  2. Thanks. I suspect I should have started with the visiting already!

  3. Good first post, and good blog name. I look forward to seeing you around for the other Things.


  4. Great to meet you in this class. You have an interesting mix of interests. I am looking forward to finding out how the anthology comes together.
