Monday 25 July 2011

"A wave tossed in the ocean, a vapour in the wind" (aka the one where I try to explain who I am)

Having got woefully behind with CPD23 (my excuses are here), I've been reading each new thing that appeared with increasing trepidation, thinking I might never catch up! However, by some backwards, turning the trousers of time inside out logic, being behind has allowed me to get ahead of the game for this post and tackle a few things together.

When I search for my name online, I don't find myself. There's someone with my name doing an excellent job of marketing herself as a leadership coach, but that's not me. There used to be a lot of attention given to someone who died from a brain tumour (although she's not in the top results nowadays) and that's not me either. I'm invisible and that's exactly how I want it. I'm aware that this makes me somewhat of an old school renegade online, but in terms of Thing 3, I am achieving my goals, even if they're not the ones expected of me!

Recognisably unique
I'm happy with the idea of having a recognisable presence online and I want it to look right. This is because my online presence is an extension of my 'real life' presence and I am always intent on things being well designed (apparently this can sometimes be an annoying trait, but it means I get to make posters and displays at work which I love!) So setting up this blog I have the same background as I use on Twitter (and I created it myself, so no-one else will be using it), I messed around for a while making sure the boxes were right, I meticulously change font every post. I've tended to use variations on my name to sign in to things which usually works well as I have a versatile name. My twitter name is just pronounceable enough (at least by me!) and I now use it in most library things online for continuity.

While I'm not so naive as to think that anything done online is anonymous, I don't yet see the need for my online presence to be blatantly linked to my presence in real life. This means that my life is compartmentalised in terms of online networking. Thing 6 has three advantages to online networking: becoming better known, better connected and better equipped. From a professional point of view, Twitter is the network I use most sucessfully (Thing 4!), to become better connected and better equipped (and possibly better known, although I'm not pushing for it). I find Twitter really useful for keeping up with what's going on in the world (library or otherwise), and have felt the benefit of this while studying this year. It's been nice to hear things talked about in lectures as news from the library world and have known about them weeks before because of Twitter. However, it can be infuriating at times as lots of interesting conversations go on during work time (when I can't look at Twitter, let alone join in) and it's difficult to follow conversations and join in later. I use my first name and a picture of myself because I want people to know I'm a real person, but I don't want it to be terribly easy to trace me.

Sometimes I don't want to stand out
As far as other online networks go, I use Facebook (with my personal details, kept private as it can be!) for keeping in touch with friends (or people I've met in real life at any rate*) and because various organisations I'm a member of use it for keeping in touch, organising events, etc, but not at all for professional reasons. I don't use LinkedIn, and although I've had a look at the example profiles given for thing 6, I've not been tempted to try. This is in no way a reflection on the people who bravely put their profiles forward for inspection, I just don't like the idea of having my details on show and, as there's no need at the moment for me to do so, my reticence has not yet been overcome by practicality. 

I seem to come across as a contradictory character. I want to be a recognisable person online, but not recognisable in real life from it. I want people online to see me as a real person, but I don't want people who already know me as a real person to see me online. This is partly to do with my job/studying situation at the moment and I suspect that I will end up making a decision either way at some point in the future, but for now you'll have to live with my contradictions.

*Contemplative moment: This is an interesting definition because there's people I would consider friends who I first met through a forum (in about 2001), who were then on LiveJournal with me, who I subsequently found on Facebook, and now on Twitter but who I have never met in real life.

"Who Am I?" - Casting Crowns

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